Sunday, January 13, 2013

5 Tips to Healthy Living

Here are five ways you can do to get a healthy body through diet, including:

1. Calculated Color Food
Most people always see the number of calories in food. From now on, consider also what kind of colors contained in one serving. What kinds of vegetables are eaten in a single day. Do not let the food consumed too 'doughy' there is no colorful veggies in it. The more colors of vegetables consumed, the better, as a sign of antioxidants, vitamins and fiber that consumed even more also.

2. Food Interlude
Besides eating enough 3 times a day, also need a snack. Usually, this snack can be consumed at about 10 am or 4 pm. This is to avoid stomach is too empty and hungry, so it makes you go crazy when the meal arrives.

3. Expand Fiber At Breakfast
Enough fiber at breakfast will make your stomach full until lunch time. This can be overcome by eating cereal or oatmeal combined with a piece of fruit such as bananas and strawberries. If you can not eat cereal, bread could be his successor. Choose breads made from wheat flour, and mix with peanut butter or fruit jam.

4. Food Hungry Silencer
If you include people who can not stand the hunger, always make sure there are snacks in your refrigerator. The snack is selected healthy snacks like fruit that can reduce your hunger. Such as apples, papaya, banana, strawberry, peach, etc..

5. Controlling Yourself
In addition to the type of food consumed, the most important thing in running is yourself. How can control every food intake and could halt the consumption of these foods if it is considered excessive. Self-discipline to make healthy diet successfully undertaken.

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