Wednesday, January 9, 2013

The Secret of Skin Whitening

The secret to staying young is eating the right food. From ancient times, milk has been associated with beauty, an elixir for slowing the effects of aging. The result is a lactose-free and highly nutritious milk component (whey protein).

Do collagen supplement just work short-term?

In recent years many beauty companies have introduced a wide range of collagen products for those wishing to stay young, have smooth skin etc. The response and feedback from most collagen users, however, is that collagen only gives short-term results. Once stopped, skin rapidly returns to its previous condition within a few weeks. The reason for this is collagen breaks down easily, especially under direct sunlight. This is why maintenance is necessary. Is it wise to spend money for such short-term results when a long-term investment is needed?

A natural way to get healthy skin is to consume a humongous amount of green vegetables and numbers glasses of grade A milk.

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