If normally you rarely eat fruit, wine should be made as early as you change. This is all because the wines have more than one health benefit for the body.
The grape has a lot of nutrients, some of which are falavanoid, minerals, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12 and C. Therefore, Grape could help treat a variety of diseases such as gastrointestinal disorders, heart failure and skin problems.
In fruit, Grape contains flavonoids that can improve the content of antioxidants in the blood and protect blood vessel damage and prevent clumping trambosit. The darker the color the wine more and more content flavanoidnya. The grapes are also believed to aid digestion, blood flow and stop the bleeding. Grape vinegar has been used as useful as an astringent and soothing to the skin.
Not only the fruit is beneficial. Although bitter, grape seed is used to treat varicose veins because the content procyanolic oligomers in it. While the leaves alone can reduce cholesterol levels, treat high blood pressure and menopausal syndrome. If you have diarrhea, you can brew grape leaves with hot water or used in a way gargle to treat mouth ulcers, sore gums and sore throat.
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