Friday, January 11, 2013

How to grow long hair Fast

Having long hair is certainly a dream for women, how to quickly lengthen the hair that is easy to use natural ingredients. A quick way to lengthen the hair is quite natural way you do in caring for your hair everyday and using natural ingredients of course you do not have to worry about the dangers of the chemicals contained in beauty products for hair.

A quick way to lengthen the hair using natural ingredients that you can use as a traditional herb is proven to have been used by our ancestors in caring for healthy hair and keep hair long.

A quick way to lengthen the hair with olive oil, mix the olive oil to taste with honey and cinnamon powder. Adjust measuring the condition of your hair (just mix the ingredients to taste), stir the mixture evenly and then simply apply the mixture on the scalp and do not need a massage. Let stand for 15 minutes and then wash your hair or use shampoo to clean it.

A quick way to lengthen the hair by using lemon, lime addition can be used as a complement to the spice in cooking it can also be used as a natural long hair quickly. Use freshly squeezed lemon juice before you shampoo, massage your scalp throughout the surface and let stand for 15 minutes before shampooing.

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